Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Video editing made easy

The one thing I can attest to about video editing is it takes time.

Lots of it.

People don't understand the process of making videos.

1) Upload footage
2) Cut footage up (take out all the shaky shots)
3) Arrange the footage
4) Pick the music
5) Add effects
5) Add the transitions
6) Review
7) REarrange the footage : )
8) Encode

It seems easy I know, but somewhere between arranging footage and REarranging footage is where a lot of time is spent.

The thing I'm seeing a lot of lately are applications that make the editing process easy and simple to do; select the footage, select your music and hit "go" and out comes out your video.

Yes, it's easy and simple, but the creative process and outcome can be a bit cookie cutter-ish.

If you're just looking to pop out a quick vid of last weekend's picnic or birthday bash, then it's perfect.

Of all the applications that I've checked out, this suite seems to give you all you need to be a video producer.

Check out their site and the demo reels some of their users have posted. Pretty cool stuff.


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