Monday, September 10, 2007

How to Start a Successful Home-Based Video Business

Here's a great article on how to get started in the video business...

by Hal Landen

If you like producing videos as much as I do, I'm sure you'll agree that video is just too expensive as a hobby. No matter how much gear you have, there's always something else to buy. It's a never ending cycle.

That's why I decided long ago to let other people buy my equipment. For me this meant producing corporate videos which I've been doing for the last 12 years (I've been in the film and video business for over 20 years). Here are the FOUR THINGS I LOVE about this work:

1. Variety

Since I started producing corporate videos, I've been paid to learn about and produce videos on subjects ranging from dock building, lipstick manufacturing, electronic surveying, furniture sales training, computer programs, architecture, nursing, interstate highway building, waterfront reconstruction, book printing, food preparation and many more.

"My work has taken me behind the scenes at places like Tiffany's Panavision, AT&T, and the DEA. "
- Hal Landen

My video work has taken me behind the scenes at places like Tiffany's, Panavision International, AT&T, the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency, and hundreds of local businesses and agencies. It would take several pages just to list them all. I've learned about things I never knew existed.

While most of the videos I produce are within an hour's drive of my home in the country, I'm also asked to produce videos in other areas of the country. These invitations come from my clients and from their referrals. I've travelled in style across most of these United States (all expenses paid, naturally) thanks to my video business. If you like variety, you will like corporate video.

"Hal, I just wanted to say that this amazing course is going to change the way we all look at video production here at Cas Videos "
- Alex M
United Kingdom

2. The Pay

Many of my projects start at about $5000 and go up to $25,000 or more. Now, of course, that's not all profit, but even when I chose to hire outside freelancers and rent high-end equipment, the lion's share of the budget still goes to paying for MY services. And I'm usually producing several corporate videos at the same time.

3. Repeat and Referral Business

Producing a video for these clients is just beginning of a profitable business relationship. Most of my clients later hire me to update their videos when products, people or technologies change. Since my videos are successful at helping these companies, many of my clients order a hundred or so copies every few months. That's a great income in itself and you don't even have to own duplication gear to make a nice and easy profit on every order. Since a fair number of my clients do business overseas, they also need standards conversions and more dubs for use overseas. All of this extra business income comes from producing one good video.

One of the nicest things about it is these happy clients refer me to others. It's a good feeling and just one more income stream.

"I couldn't recommend Landen more highly "
- Joe Illiagash
CBS 60 Minutes

4. Satisfaction and Respect

A lot of people see my videos. Even in my own small town, neighbors often ask in surprise, "YOU produced that video?" I am always pleased to say I did. For me it's a lot of fun helping small businesses, corporations, and non-profits use video in positive ways and I've built a good reputation by doing so. After all these years I still get a kick out of producing a video that helps other people.

See what I like about the work? But I haven't even mentioned the creative side of the work. And if you don't think corporate videos are creative, think again. Many of these corporate productions rival network TV commercials. If you're creative, nothing beats the work of an independent corporate producer.

Video Can Be an Expensive Hobby...

Or a Lucrative, Satisfying Business

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Studio 1 Productions has a FREE PDF book on producting Special Interest Videos. Just go to
Then scroll down the page and click on the Download Link.