Thursday, August 23, 2007

Picture Day In San Francisco

I had a free day, so Haley (my daughter, 7) and I took a stroll into San Francisco. Both of us armed with digital cams (she has my old Canon G2).

So yes, any picture of just me was taken by her. And the pictures of both of us I took (Canon A640 - flip out LCD...tip: make sure to tell whomever is in the picture with you to look at the lens).

The wide angle of downtown SF was stitched in Photoshop CS3.

Click on pictures for hi res version (warning: closeups of me may cause an uncontrollable urge to see a dermatologist)



Anonymous said...

Very cute!!!! Never been but I know SF is a beautiful city.

Anonymous said...

You both take lovely pictures.

Unknown said...

I love you daddy. I had a blast!

love Haley